Complaint about damage report

  • vor 9 Stunden
  • #616004
  • 2

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to complain about the fact that when I returned my vehicle in Palma de Mallorca, I was charged for damage that I did not cause. I was able to prove this on site with the attached video and photo (with time stamp!).

The responsible employee then said that this was correct and that she would not write down the damage. A short time later, I received an email (see attachment) stating that part of my deposit would be withheld.

I am now asking you to reverse this, otherwise I will consult a lawyer.

I hope you can rectify this promptly, as I have rented a vehicle from you before, but have not had any problems so far.

Thank you very much.

With kind regards,
****** ******


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