Fuel was not full on day of pick up

  • 02 Sep 2024
  • #613811
  • 12

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

on 30th August we have booked a rental car in Palma de Mallorca. We picked up the car and left the parking house. On the highway we have seen, the tank was just 75% full. Unfortunately we have forgot to take a picture. Contract condition was full tank - full tank. On 01th September we brought back the car, completly full. We have paid 31,54€ on the fuel station. (19,01 Litre) Please, compare the the driven kilometres from us and compare it with the 19,01 Litre. It doesn't fits together and it shows, the tank wasn't full on pick up date. (The car had 4257km after our trip on 01th september) It would be good if we get a credit note for the tank we haven't used.

Plate of car: 0850 MSL
Booked with Opodo: ES183829670 / ES187109710
Confirmation Number Opodo: 9139701
Ok Mobility Number: G001DEUES187109710

Best regards
****** ******
Masslerweg 9
74523 Schwäbisch Hall


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