Accidental subscription

  • 11 Jun 2024
  • #604607
  • 65

Dear MyHeritage Support Team,

My name is ******. I contacted you about a week ago, asking to cancel the subscription to your app, since I cannot afford to pay the amount for a whole year.
Your colleague was so kind to forward me to the finance department where someone contacted me and tried to call me several times. Having a busy schedule, I couldn't pick up the phone, but tried to call back later to no avail. The numbers calling me were all answered by a machine that then hung up on me, so I'm asking you to give me a number to call where somebody will pick up in order to resolve this.
Alternatively, I'm happy to send you all the needed information per email. I'm not sure why a phonecall is needed to resolve this, but knowing that it's not possible to call you back, I will of course be available next time, no matter what.
I apologize for the back and forth and would be very grateful for your support.

Kind regards,


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