• 08 Aug 2024
  • #610995
  • 27

I contacted the seller regarding the order number mentioned in the subject line because he had cheated me. Instead of the promised 4 TB external hard drive, he sent me electronic junk with maybe a few GB. After I contacted the seller, he promised me a replacement within 10 days, which was 38 days ago. I haven't received anything.
Since I now suspect that not only the seller is a fraudster, but the entire Aliexpress sales platform is a fraudulent website, I demand that the €18.04 be transferred back immediately. If I have not received the money back by the end of the month, I will publish this on "Trustpilot", where you have already been accused of being fraudsters a thousand times. Since, unlike temu, you have not reacted to the accusations at all, they seem to be true.

At the same time, I am turning to PayPal to get my money back from you fraudsters.

T. ******


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