Absolutely rubbish quality and no response from Variera

  • 05 Aug 2024
  • #610630
  • 36

I purchased a pair of ladies sandals online. The sandals too forever to be delivered to Germany. The quality is absolutely rubbish and teh sandals are not even worth 2 €. To send it back and get a refund is impossible. Variera insist we send it back to China. at our cost. The addtress given is not complete . I would strongly warn all potential customers not to buy anything from this site Variera. It is a big fraud. They are shipping scrap and making it impossible to get a refund. Normally by law, as the purchase order did not mention that the goods be shipped back to China, but was in Germany, they should ship it back to germany.
Is there any Anwalt here who could support in taking legal action against Variera. The purchase order number is VAR38655


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