Küchen Lieferung

  • Noch offen
  • 18 Sep 2021
  • #290987
  • 332

Kundennummer: 6907071 And 6907071

BILDER1 reclabox beschwerde de 229637 thumb
1 Bild
Worst service ever. I am living in Germany since 42 years and never came across such a bad compnay . I ordered 2 kitchens for our renting out flats in April for delivery in July. 28. 07 and 29.07. drivers came but did not want to park in our parking next to building instead wanted a free parking area in front of the building. Before I reached there they left. Next appointment they made was 26th August for both the kitchens. I organized from city free parking in front. Their drivers started doing carpenter work in the apartment which they are are not supposed to do instead of doing in their Truck. After cutting wooden parts and fixing upper cupboards he realized it had been cut wrong and they forgot to order fridge. They left doing half work without fixing the electrical gadgets since they did not have right plugs. They forced me to pay 60% of the money and left. After that till today no body is calling or answering my e mails. Funny thing is this morning I got a call from a driver that they need to collect balance money from me. About the second kitchen they realized thy have planned it wrong and took whole kitchen back. No news until now. I am paying everyday € 250 hotel charges to tenants but Höffner is not bothered to revert. My suggestion: be away from this company when it comes to kitchen


Ärger mit Höffner?

Schreib sofort eine Beschwerde und löse dein Problem!

Beschwerde schreiben!

20-09-2021 um 14:20 Uhr

Good day,

Thank you very much for your message. We are very sorry that you have a reason to complain.
We have forwarded your concern to the relevant departments. An employee will get in touch with you about this.

Kind regards from the Service Team

15-10-2021 um 09:49 Uhr

We still have not got the problem solved in spite of speak to Customer Service department in Neuss.
Only thing we got is an E mail we will be contacted.

Zufriedenheitsindex: 55.2/100

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