Hallo, ich bekomme diese Email. Was soll das bedeuten und wen ich antworte bekomme ich keine Antwort.

  • 10 Jul 2024
  • #607890
  • 49


We were just about to send you your refund when we discovered that we no longer have your payment information. This is most likely because it has been more than 1 year since the original payment and that is the limit from our partners for storing payment details.

We are therefore contacting you because we need your bank details to send you your refund.
Please use this link to add the bank details in the respective fields.

Warning! People claiming to work at our company have been calling our customers asking them to share their credit card details under the pretext that they need these details to refund the customer.
We would NEVER call you to ask for your card details. If you receive such a call, please report it to your local police or call our customer support for any questions.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
System I

Please note that this is a no-reply email.
If you would like to contact us, please click here.

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