Flixbus hat uns das falsche Ticket verkauft

  • 27 Aug 2024
  • #613150
  • 34

Flixbus complaint

Hello dear flixbus Team!

Last week I was on vacation with my boyfriend to Croatia. Since we’re keen on using alternative and environmental friendly travelling methods, we decided to go by bus. To decide on the location, we used the bus connection map on your homepage to find locations we could travel to with your company. We chose “Kapelica” on the half island Istria. According to your website, it would take us less than two hours from Zagreb bus station to kapelica in Istria. We booked two return tickets from Graz / Vienna with both stops in Zagreb.
Unfortunately we had to reschedule our first trip because my boyfriend got sick. But on Monday morning we were really looking forward to our trip. We arrived in Zagreb with only a few minutes delay and quickly found the bus going to “Kapelica”. It was departing at 17:15 on June 24th from Zagreb and its final stop was Daruvar with the bus number CHR2494. Our bus driver checked our tickets and confirmed the direction and we got on our way to what we thought was the direction of the sea side. Forty minutes later, we coincidentally checked our location on google maps and realised we weren’t driving towards the coast, but away from it. When we asked the bus driver, he told us that he was taking us to “Kapelica”. We then realised that the tickets we bought, showing up on your map on Istria, were tickets for Croatian main land, that failed to show up on the map.
We had to take a bus back to Zagreb where it was 9pm already. Additionally we found out that it would take us atleast 3 hours to get to location in istria we reserved our apartment in. At this point, our hosts were impatient and didn’t want to wait all night for us to find another bus that would take us to our destination. When we asked around, the next bus going to the seaside was leaving the next day. We decided to rent a car from Zagreb that night, mainly in order to ensure a way back at the end of our trip on Saturday (June 24th).
Altogether this made us spend an additional 400,- € for the bus ticket back to Zagreb, the car, the gas and additional cab rides. Please understand that we’re both big fans of flixbus and adventurous travel, but it was frustrating to keep our cool with issues that were not up to us. The technical issue with your connections on the map on your website still remains to this day and I ask you to fix it asap. Additionally, it would be great to get a refund for our unexpected costs mentioned above.

On top of it all, I have contacted Flixbus several times in July and August have not received any response.

****** Burzić


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