Supplier at the counter refused to hand out the car.

  • vor 7 Tagen
  • #615968
  • 5

We were at the Zadar Airport on time on 14. April 2024 to collect the rental car I booked. It was booked on name ****** ******. My drivers licence was sadly stolen during the flight and therefor i had to change the name in the reservation to my friend Fiona Fleischer. Airportcarhire therefor created a new voucher which I presented at the counter. Inspite of having that valid voucher and all the documents required like drivers licence and credit card of Fiona Fleischer the people at the counter refused to hand out the car to her/us.
The complaint ticket number submitted to german police regarding the theft can be found below.
During the try to release the car I had calls with Firefly, talked to the people at the counter and to Cartrawler/Airportcarhire support.
However I refuse to accept a no-show policy when I had a valid voucher and I have been at the counter on time with the necessary documents.


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