Vertragsbruch HA-F7OYO Möglicherweise Betrug Wenn möglich bitte an Frau Alexandra weiterleiten

  • 25 Jun 2024
  • #606289
  • 86

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Vier Tage vor unserem Urlaub wurden wir mit solchen Informationen konfrontiert. Sie können sich aus dem unten kopierten Text eine Meinung zu unserem Fall bilden. Die komplette Korrespondenz wurde von Fewo-direkt sowie Zahlungen durchgeführt.
Bei Fragen sind wir unter der angegebenen Hanty Nummer erreichbar
015111139297 ****** ******

Hi Katharina,

Please note the apartment Violeta is no longer available for the short term rentals.

We understand is a very short notice and apologies for any inconvenience and would like to offer for you to relocate to other apartment in the same complex.

Please see the apartment photos and let us to know.

Apartment Sophie's Atlantis price 1092e for your reserved dates which is the same price you have paid.


Ingrida Premier
13. Mai
Hi Ingrida
It´s not okay ,that 4 days before the start of the holiday and the transfer of money for the apartament,we got such a message.
We do not agree to another apartament.We ordered extra with access to the pool from the terrace.
13. Mai
Hi Kathy,

We did message you on the 6th March but no reply

We have no other option but to move you or refund you.

Please let us know. Thanks



###RefId:6476f9746866fd0049d2d6a6### (Please do not delete this line)
14. Mai
Hi Katharina ,

We have noticed that you have failed to fully complete your check-in procedure.

Please click the link below and complete the details as we cannot provide access
to the property until you have done so.


###RefId:6476f9746866fd0049d2d6a6### (Please do not delete this line)
14. Mai
Hi Katharina, VRBO just called me.

Sorry for the confusion, we should've made it clear that the relocated property will be cheaper and result in 100 euros refund.

We have already moved your reservation to the new location but we also need your approval and confirmation.

The only other alternative would be to refund your whole reservation.

14. Mai
Hi Chris, indeed we have great confusion. But to remain objective, we would agree to a price reduction of 250 €. I am convinced that this is a fair offer. best regards Katharina
14. Mai
We are not able to offer an additional discount.

Please let me know as we need to prepare the property for you arrival or not.



###RefId:6476f9746866fd0049d2d6a6### (Please do not delete this line)
15. Mai
Hallo Chris, Your offer is unreasonable. We are not coming. Request for the fastest refund full payment.with kind regards Katharina
15. Mai
I will cancel the reservation and process the refund, please note the process
take up to 28 days.



###RefId:6476f9746866fd0049d2d6a6### (Please do not delete this line)
15. Mai
Buchung storniert
15. Mai
16. Mai
Dear Sir or Madam, the deadline of 28 days for the return of our payment in the amount of 1092,00€ has passed. We call on you to regulate immediately. Yours sincerely, Katharina
Dear Sirs, despite the declaration that our payments will be returned to us, to this day we have not received any information and even more so the payment. We call on you to pay immediately, by 30.06.2024 at the latest.
Yours sincerely,
Katharina Ziołkowski

Noch mal zur Sachlage.
1. "Vermierter" behauptet, uns im März 2024 über die neue Situation informiert zu haben, aber wir wissen nicht, über welches Medium. Definitiv nicht von der FEWO-Website.
2. Wenn er diese Wohnung nicht vertragswidrig an uns vermieten wollte, warum hat er dann am 18.04.2024 den Betrag von 764,40€ berechnet
3. Die vorgeschlagene Ersatzwohnung war nicht gleichwertig mit der Wohnung, die Gegenstand des Vertrags war. Die vorgeschlagene Preissenkung von 100,00 € war nicht absolut gleichwertig. Es ist, als hätte jemand einen Ferrari bestellt und der Verkäufer bietet ihm stattdessen einen Ford KA an.

Unsere Zahlungen mit Master Card:
31.05.2023 - 327,60
18.04.2024 - 764,40


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