Reservation number; HA-ODZSF3

  • 18 Aug 2024
  • #611998
  • 35

Dear FwWo- direckt team,

I recibed the an offer for the reservation indicated in the title of 1.976,34 €. This offer did not inform about any kind of incresment for any concept. (see attached picture)

I made the first payment imediatly after recived the offer and the total price was increased to 2.018, 39 €. (see attached picture)

I request that the 42,05 € are being sustracted from the second payment that I must do before the first of September 2024.

Eventhoght the diference is not that much, I feel somehow cheted by Fe-Wo-direckt. I really hope that Fe-Wo-direckt. correct it not to have such impresion.

Looking forward to reciving good news from your side.

Thank you,

Ángel Tarragó


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18-08-2024 um 09:36 Uhr

Text correction :-):
I received an offer for the reservation indicated in the title of €1,976.34. This offer did not mention any kind of increment for any concept (see attached picture).

I made the first payment immediately after receiving the offer, and the total price was increased to €2,018.39 (see attached picture).

I request that the €42.05 be subtracted from the second payment I must make before the first of September 2024.

Even though the difference is not that much, I feel somewhat cheated by FeWo-direkt. I really hope that FeWo-direkt corrects this impression.

Looking forward to receiving good news from you.

Thank you,

Ángel Tarragó

Zufriedenheitsindex: 22.3/100

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